Fire Safety Solicitors

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Fire Safety Solicitors

Following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, there have been regulatory changes to fire safety laws, with the aim of making buildings safer.

Legalisation including the Fire Safety Order 2005, Fire Safety Act 2021, Fire Safety Regulations 2022 and Building Safety Act 2022 have created new duties and responsibilities for people in the building industry.

These acts emphasise the responsibilities of developers, building owners, and managers of new and existing buildings, for the safety of their occupants.

The legislation has also changed the building process, impacting the planning, design, construction, and occupation of buildings.

At IBB Law, our specialist property disputes solicitors can offer advice and support for any aspect of fire safety law in the UK.

To learn more about how we can help, please contact our property disputes solicitors on 0330 175 7613, or email Andrew Olins at

Complete support for fire safety

At IBB Law, we have extensive experience supporting individuals and businesses who are responsible for fire safety. Our expert solicitors can support clients in various ways, including:

  • Responding to fire safety notices
  • Investigations and prosecutions
  • Fire safety compliance
  • Remediation costs

Call today to discuss your case with our fire safety solicitors

Our fire safety solicitors are available to meet in central London, Uxbridge, Beaconsfield, Reading and Ascot. You can call us directly or fill in the enquiry form on our contact page and one of our legal team will call you.

How our solicitors can support you with fire safety

Responding to fire safety notices

If you have been issued with a fire safety notice, our solicitors will take the time to understand your situation and help you decide what steps to take to comply with the order. If you disagree with the notice and would like to challenge it, we can help you negotiate with the relevant authority and represent you in a court or tribunal, where necessary.

We know how serious enforcement actions can be for you personally and for your business. We’re here to guide you through the entire process and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Investigations and prosecutions

Our fire safety solicitors can review allegations made by the Fire and Rescue Service or the Health and Safety Executive. We’ll provide guidance on how to respond and help gather the necessary documents. We’ll also communicate with the enforcing authority on your behalf to try to resolve the issues.

If you’re asked to attend an interview under caution, we’ll assist you in preparing for it and attend the interview with you. We will support you throughout the process and advocate for your interests.

Fire safety compliance

Our fire safety solicitors have extensive experience providing guidance on fire laws and regulations. We can help you understand your legal obligations, comply with the relevant legislation and represent you during regulatory inspections or enforcement actions.

We will provide practical advice that is tailored to your specific situation and help you mitigate any risks.

Remediation costs

Our fire safety solicitors are experienced in providing guidance to leaseholders, property owners, and individuals across both commercial and residential sectors.

We can advise you on specific legislation within the Building Safety Act and help you determine who is liable for remediation costs.

Frequently asked questions about fire safety

What is the Fire Safety Order 2005?

The Fire Safety Order 2005 is legislation that aims to ensure the safety of individuals in non-domestic premises. The order applies to most buildings with the exception of individual private homes, such as an individual flat or a family home. However, shared areas such as houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), blocks of flats and maisonettes are all covered by the order.

It mandates that those responsible for commercial, industrial, or communal spaces take necessary measures to minimise the risk of fire and ensure the safety of occupants, employees, and visitors. This includes conducting fire risk assessments, implementing preventive measures, providing appropriate fire safety training, and devising evacuation procedures. The order places a legal duty on the “responsible person” within a premises to comply with its provisions, which may include employers, building owners, landlords, or occupiers.

What is the Fire Safety Act 2021?

The Fire Safety Act 2021 is a significant piece of legislation introduced to enhance fire safety regulations in residential buildings, particularly high-rise structures. It aims to address shortcomings exposed by the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017.

The act clarifies that ‘responsible persons’ for multi-occupancy residential buildings such as building owners and managers must assess and mitigate fire risks in the structure and external walls of the building, including cladding, balconies and windows and flat entrance doors.

It empowers fire and rescue authorities to enforce compliance and take action against those failing to meet the safety standards. The act also provides clarity on the application of the Fire Safety Order 2005 to external structures and ensures that residents’ safety concerns are appropriately addressed.

What are the Fire Safety Regulations 2022?

The government introduced the UK Fire Safety Regulations 2022 to implement recommendations made following the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

These regulations make it a requirement for responsible persons in high-rise blocks of flats to provide the Fire and Rescue Services with information to assist them with planning and providing an effective fire response.

Responsible persons in high-rise residential buildings must put additional safety measures in place such as:

  • Providing the Fire and Rescue Service with building plans and information about the external wall systems.
  • Checking their lifts and firefighting equipment monthly.
  • Installing an information box for the Fire Services with the contact details of the responsible person and building floor plans.
  • Install visible wayfinding signage that shows the flat and floor numbers in low light.

In residential buildings with storeys over 11 metres in height, responsible persons are required to:

  • Undertake annual checks of flat entrance doors and quarterly checks of all fire doors in the common areas.

In all multi-occupied residential buildings with 2 or more sets of domestic premises, responsible persons are required to:

  • Provide relevant fire safety instructions to their residents, including instructions on how to report a fire and the evacuation strategy for the building.
  • Provide residents with information relating to the importance of fire doors in fire safety.

What is the Building Safety Act 2022?

The Building Safety Act 2022 is aimed at overhauling building safety regulations in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy. This act introduces comprehensive reforms to ensure that residential buildings are safe and properly managed.

Key provisions include establishing a new Building Safety Regulator to oversee the safety of high-rise buildings, implementing a more robust system for building control, and introducing greater accountability for those responsible for building safety throughout the construction and occupation phases.

The act also introduces measures to enhance fire safety, improve the quality of construction materials, and strengthen the rights of residents.

Get in touch with our fire safety solicitors

Our fire safety solicitors are available to meet in central London, Uxbridge, Beaconsfield, Reading and Ascot. You can call us directly on 0330 175 7613 or fill in the enquiry form on our contact page and one of our legal team will call you.