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The Queen’s Speech: government legislative priorities for 2015-16

The Queen’s Speech: government legislative priorities for 2015-16

On 27 May 2015 the Queen outlined the Government’s legislative agenda to Parliament. Proposed Bills of particular interest to the Charity sector are:

Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill – will extend the powers of the Charity Commission to enable it to: issue formal warnings and close charities down after an inquiry; disqualify trustees and extend disqualification to senior management positions and address gaps and weaknesses in the Commissions’ existing powers. The Bill will also give charities a specific power to make Social Investments (i.e. investments pursuing both a financial and social return).

Finance Bill and National Insurance Contributions Bill – will freeze tax rates, VAT and National Insurance over the next five years.

European Referendum Bill – will enable an in/out referendum to be held before the end of 2017 on the UK’s membership of the European Union.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations is currently considering the full impact of the UK’s EU membership on the sector and will publish a “costs and benefits review” of its findings in a few months’ time.

European Union (Finance) Bill – will grant approval to the seven year European Union budget deal which will prevent new European Union wide taxes.

Scotland Bill – will devolve further powers to the Scottish government including the power to set thresholds and rates on income tax, air passenger duty and borrowing.

Housing Bill – will extend the Right to Buy to housing association tenants.

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