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Protection of Charities Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech

Protection of Charities Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech

A draft bill to better protect charities in England and Wales from abuse and to equip the Charity Commission to tackle abuse more effectively and efficiently, the “Protection of Charities Bill“, was among the measures announced in the Queen’s Speech on 4 June 2014. This follows the Cabinet Office’s consultation on amending and extending the Commission’s powers to tackle abuse and mismanagement in charities, which closed on 12 February 2014.

These new proposals seek to:

  • protect charities from abuse by people who present a known risk;
  • make it easier for the Charity Commission to take robust action against individuals and charities in cases of abuse; and
  • support public trust and confidence in the effective regulation of charities.

The government has said that a draft Bill will be consulted on and that it is currently analysing responses to the initial consultation. The scope of the proposals that will be taken forward are not yet known. The government has indicated that it intends to legislate “as soon as Parliamentary time allows” and the Commission has indicated it will press for Parliamentary time to be made available in the next session of Parliament.

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