The Lobbying Act 2014 Came Into Force on 19th September 2014
The Lobbying Act 2014 Came Into Force on 19th September 2014
The Lobbying Act (“the Act”) requires “non-party campaigners”, which include charities, to register with the Electoral Commission if they spend in excess of the specific thresholds on regulated campaigning activities between 19 September and 7 May 2015 – being the regulated period in the run-up to the general election.
Activities are regulated if they satisfy a ‘purpose test’ and a ‘public test’: a campaign may be regulated if can be regarded as intended to influence voters (i.e. purpose) and whether it is available to the public or a section of the public (i.e. public).
If you are unsure as to whether you may need to register, or would like any advice on political campaigning, please contact our charity law team on 01895 207809 or email