Covid-19 – Guidance for Marina Operators
Covid-19 – Guidance for Marina Operators
This is an unprecedented and unsettling time for marina owners and operators. Below is some guidance based on the current government communications. We will update this to ensure that new government guidance is communicated to you.
- Although the Government guidance on business closures does not specifically mention marinas, it is likely that commercial marinas will fall within the heading of “holiday rentals” and are therefore required to close with effect from Tuesday 24 March 2020.
- The guidance does however state that “Where people live in these as interim abodes whilst their primary residence is unavailable, or they live in them in permanently they may continue to do so”. While it is unlikely that you will have occupiers who are living on boats at the marina, this may be a possibility. If a boat owner asks whether they can stay on the marina you should ask them for written proof that they have nowhere else to live; this will help protect you from possible enforcement action. Obviously, each situation will turn on its own specific facts.
- Carry out a risk assessment to determine what new procedures you should adopt to manage risk. In particular, establish a chain of command to identify who will run or manage the marina business if the marina owner or senior management falls ill. Make sure your staff emergency contact details are up to date.
- While all staff should be working from home where possible, remind any staff still working at the marina to follow the Government’s social distancing guidance:
- Provide hand sanitisers and tissues for staff and encourage them to use them, and encourage all staff to wash their hands on a regular basis for 20 seconds with soap and water. However, all employees who can work from home should now be doing so.
Speak to your expert Lawyers
IBB’s specialist marina team is on hand to discuss any questions or concerns which marina operators may have at this challenging time – for more information, please call 03456 381381 or email