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Charities and political campaigning – a note of caution in the run-up to the Scottish referendum and the UK elections in May 2015

Charities and political campaigning – a note of caution in the run-up to the Scottish referendum and the UK elections in May 2015

The Charity Commission has begun an assessment of an Oxfam tweet, reported to it by a Conservative MP, which could lead to full investigation. The tweet, which was part of Oxfam’s campaign on poverty in the UK, was criticised for being party political after it was perceived to be attacking the Government’s austerity programme. Oxfam tweeted a faux film poster showing a broiling sea under dark storm clouds, under the words in red: “The Perfect Storm” adding that it was “starring zero hours contracts, high prices, benefit cuts, unemployment, childcare costs”. A message above the image read: “Lifting the lid on austerity Britain reveals a perfect storm – and it’s forcing more and more people into poverty.”

This incident should act as a reminder to charities to take care, particularly in the run up to the Scottish referendum and the general election in May 2015, to ensure that they comply with the Charity Commission’s Campaigning and Political Activity guidance, as well as the additional guidance on Elections and Referendums, at all times. To access the Charity Commission guidance please click here: http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/search/?q=political+campaigningFor more information or to discuss your requirements contact one of our charity solicitors today on 01895 207809 or email charities@ibblaw.co.uk.